
February 9, 2010

We Love Sushi

Both my kids love, love, love sushi (how lucky am I?) — so you can imagine how I flipped over Sweetie Pie Bakery's newest pattern for a sushi set:


Nothing was left out of this pattern (except the table, but then a felt table would be tough...) — sushi pieces, chopsticks, teapot and teacup, orchid, even the cushions! Who wouldn't love sushi with this toy?

Here's to a lovely meal!
Happy sewing everyone!


  1. so cute! And your little girl in the top photos is just as delicious as the sushi!

  2. Isn't that baby darling? I wish I could claim her as mine, but she belongs to another lucky mama. :)

  3. that orchid is just ridiculously amazing - what a great set!!

  4. *squeals with delight* Oh my goodness, I want to make it so bad, and I don't even have a child, yet, to play with it. Can I just borrow the baby in the photo for an afternoon play date, would that be OK?

  5. Absolutely cute, the baby girl!
    the sushie kit as well but your daughter is adorable!
    a bientot, i enjoyed what i saw here


Tell me what you think!