
March 6, 2010

Baby Norah

We are blessed to be welcoming the newest member of our family to the world this week, sweet baby Norah.

She is as scrumptious as she looks and we're all wonderfully in love. 

No doubt posting here will be sporadic at best for the next couple of weeks, but I do want to wish everyone happy crafting while we enjoy our baby-moon and take our first steps of growing into our new family!


  1. O my! Congratulations! Just sent you a business kind of email and was wondering if you were not in labour or something...but she has already arrived and she's adorable! :)

  2. How sweet & congrats!! I didn't realize birth was imminent. Have a great time getting to know your new little one!

  3. Congratulations on the addition to your family! She is beautiful and has a beautiful name as well - our eldest daughter (now 27) is Nora Mary.
    Enjoy your family these coming weeks!

  4. Congratulations. Love your blog and all this baby talk is making me feel broody for another baby....better get back to my knitting

  5. Congrats! Love your blog!

  6. What a sweetheart - congratulations! :D
    I love that name - that was our girl-pick for our second (a boy so we never got to use it!)
    She's just beautiful!

  7. Congratulations! All the best in settling into life with another little one!

  8. Congratulations!! And many blessings for you and your family.

  9. Oh yay! What a sweet sweet face. :) I'm so happy for you all and here's to full nights of sleep and lots of sibling smooches. :)


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