
April 6, 2010

A Bit of Madness

When baby Norah was a mere two weeks old, my Mom and I took her on her first outing (that wasn't to the pediatrician, that is). Can anyone guess where her first adventure took her? Indeed, to one of Portland's many, many fine yarn stores. In this case, to Twisted.

The reason we just had to go was because this book by Melanie Falick had just arrived from the publisher, and I fell hard for one of the many lovely patterns.

And that pattern would be:

Perfect Pie Shawl

This picture is too small to show how really, really lovely this shawl is. Lovely enough to enchant me into thinking that I might be able to knit it despite the fact that I was the mother of a brand new baby (and two other very busy kids). Ok, it occured to me that it might be tough but you see, when we got to the store it was all decked out in spring-y colors: butter yellow, blushing pink, new grass green, and sky blue. And I found the perfect blue yarn. I'm serious, perfect.

Thus, I suffered a bit of madness. Yummy yarn in the perfect color madness. The kind of madness that makes you think you'll be able knit an entire shawl between diaper changes, kindergarten carpool, and endless loads of laundry and despite all the other knitting projects currently residing in the work-in-progress basket (notice I conveniently forgot my New Year's resolution to finish those WIPs before starting anything new). 

What can I say?

In case you'd like to join me in the madhouse, here are a few other beauties from this classic book:

Cache-coeur Bergamo

Fingerless Mitts

Turtleneck Egg Cozies

Petticoat Socks

Happy (mad) knitting!

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