
April 15, 2010

Oh yay! Aimee Ray!

Ok, this is exciting. I've just added Aimee Ray (of Doodle Stitching fame) patterns to the shop. This is a big deal for me because it was Aimee's patterns, particularly her book, that first got me thinking about trying out embroidery. Her whimsical style really appeals to me and though I bought her book years ago (from Portland's own, Powell's Books, of course) I was too chicken to actually try any of the patterns.

Well, no longer. Far more courageous these days (I hope you're laughing about my sense of bravery—I certainly am!) I'm ready to give these awesome patterns a try. My first thought is to do a white-on-white dress with the Kaleidoscope patterns for my six-year-old. She'd love it (ok, true, she'd love it even more if it was pink on purple) and she's careful enough with her clothes (provided you strip her down before she goes outside) that it might survive long enough to be passed down to baby Norah. 

But maybe I'll do a pillow or blanket with Happy Garden... You know, it's futile to even  make plans like this because there are a bunch of patterns to choose from and I'll change my mind while I'm buying the embroidery floss anyway. In any case, I'll keep you posted!

Happy stitching everyone!


  1. aaarrrrrggg, an other temptation !!!!! I just don't know which one to choose anymore !!!!

  2. I know, Tiphaine! I feel the same way! :)


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