
May 7, 2010

New Designer: Wink Designs

Welcome Australian designer, Wink Designs, to the shop! Look at these adorable patterns:

I absolutely love them and according to the descriptions, they're easy enough for beginners. I can't wait to try them both, but if you get to them before I do, let us know how they turn out!

Visit the super cute Wink Designs blog for lots of great design inspiration from down under!

Happy sewing!


  1. I SO need to have a little girl! Then you'll be getting mucho business from me I think ;)

  2. There are a lot of cute patterns for girls! But you should check out all the cool stuff on Made by Rae for the Celebrate the Boy Month:

    It should keep you in stitches, at least until you have that baby girl! :)

  3. Thanks for the lovely mention, Amy!


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