
November 22, 2010


'Tis the season of hats, is it not?

We almost had snow here this weekend (so jealous Vancouver BC!) so I tracked down the two Pashas I made for myself—which now belong to the four-year-old and six-year-old—and whipped up three pairs of fleece mittens. Just in case.

But, sadly, not a flake.

Still, I was thinking about hats (still am actually since the two Pashas mentioned above have both been co-opted) and so added some new hat patterns to the shop. Which is always happy, even without snow.
Robin Hood by Grace Akhern

Up, Up & Away by Grace Akhern

Huck Finn Cap by Sew Liberated

Rose Red by Ysolda
Meow Kids
Cute huh?

Happy crafting!


Tell me what you think!