
January 18, 2011

Cute. Cute. Cute.

This pattern. I tell ya. I know, I'm a bit of a pattern enthusiast, so I'm prone to this reaction, but this pattern by Cécile Levesque makes me want to stop what I'm doing and knit one of these little cuties up.
Esprit Folk Tunic by Cécile Levesque
Alright, it's true that I have thing for pinafores right now and that could explain my irresistible urge to start this project immediately. But that's ok, right? I mean honestly, is there anything cuter than a little girl in a pinafore (knit or sewn)?

Plus this one has that natural folksy look I just love (kind of a Zakka thing, don't you think?). You know I'll be at the yarn shop before the end of the day. I'm hopeless.

{You can see now why I have so very many unfinished projects in my WIP basket.}

Happy knitting!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my!!! Oh, my, oh, my, oh, my! SO. CUTE.

    In the PhotoShop of my mind, I am already putting my niece Emily's cute little head into this picture. How DARLING is this?

    I'm with you -- I'm all about the pinafore for little girls. I still have fond memories of the white eyelet one I made for my daughter over her sweet blue-and-white Easter dress, circa 1983....

    Just ordered the messenger bag pattern from your shop, BTW. It's exactly what I've been looking for!


Tell me what you think!