
January 25, 2011

Two New Lovlies

It's more knitting today, which is always a good thing in my book. I've got two new patterns by Elena Rosenberg in the shop this morning. And they're a couple of beauties.

Victoriana Scarfette

Meringue Scarf
Isn't that Victoriana Scarfette just elegant? It would be so lovely under a classy wool coat, wouldn't it? I love the floral details on the ties, so pretty!

And the Meringue Scarf, well that just says "spring" to me—although you could certainly wear it all year. I have some scrumptious, bright blue Malabrigo yarn that was supposed to be part of a shawl (but just didn't end up fitting the part) that would be perfect for this pattern. Hmm...

Happy knitting!

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