
March 2, 2011

I Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Inspiration...

...for this very important announcement:

My baby is ONE today!

Can someone please tell me how that happened so fast? {WAHHHH!} And why am I not used to that by now? By the time the third baby comes around, shouldn't it be pretty well understood that the first year is a blur?


So all my inspiration today is about this little lovebug.

Happy birthday, Norah!


  1. What a little beauty! I am asking myself the same question and mine is 26! Make sure you enjoy her!!! I love the name Norah too!

  2. Happy Birthday Norah! She is a doll. Time just flies doesn't it. :)

  3. That first year does just fly by so darn fast! I had a hard time with my little one's first Birthdays...but they will always be our babies, no matter how big they get!
    Happy Birthday to your sweet babe!


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